Ask Us

This page is for any questions you may have for us! Just shoot us an email to or send us a DM over on Instagram and ask us anything. Questions that are displayed on here may be from a DM or email, or they may simply just be some FAQs. Ask us anything you want, and it might be displayed here!

How old are you?
Sophie: I'm 6 years young, and Sadie just turned 2.

What is your biggest fear?
Sadie: Okay, so you might think I'm crazy, but I'm pretty much scared of everything: the grass, the snow, rain, my little bro, lemons (don't ask)... you name it, I'm scared of it! But my biggest fear is thunder for sure. Sophie's biggest fear is of my family leaving the house - she'll cry and shake, and don't tell her I said this, but I feel bad for her. :)

What are some of your nicknames?
Sophie: Well... my nicknames are "Dopey" and "Sophie Dopey"... but I will admit, I have those names for a reason ;). Anyways, SADIE on the other had has bajillions and gazillions of nicknames. "Sadie Lady," "Sadie Lay," and "Wadie-kinz" are just a few.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Sadie: Japan! Jamaica! Mexico! Greece! Zimbabwe! Rainbow Landia!
Sophie: My bed.

If you got lost what would you do?
Sadie: I'd take advantage of the freedom! Duh!
Sophie: Run frantically in circles and hyperventilate 'til I eventually pass out.

What's your favorite toy?
Sadie: Sophie!! Even though she barely moves, she's something!
Sophie: My deluxe plush squeaky toy.

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