Thursday, April 23, 2015

Welcome to our blog! (ft. My Amazing Cuteness)

Sadie here! YES I get to do the first post! So you may know that we have an Instagram account (@sophie.and.sadie!) where we basically post what goes on in our daily lives. Sooooo we enjoyed sharing things with you so much that we've decided to create this whole blog full of all things Sophie and me! It just seemed like the right thing to do because you obviously admire my pure awesomeness and knock-out cuteness.

Sorry, I think I got a little carried away there. :)

Anywho, on our new blog sometimes we'll post what we're up to, and other times we might just post random selfies or doggie-related stuff. Sometimes I'll post, and other times Sophie might be the one posting (although I've told her I'm better at it). My point is: make sure you stop by often so you don't miss any of the fun!

Moving on from that boring little run-down, let's get to the all-about-me-and-my-cuteness part of this post.

So as you can see, I'm highly photogenic. Sis followed me around today snapping tons of pictures (seriously, what's her deal with all the pictures??), so now I basically have my own paparazzi squad. She happened to capture this during one of those rare occasions where I actually stopped moving. I know, it's so crazy to imagine me not moving, but it happens, okay? Anyways, thanks for stopping by, we really appreciate it. Come back soon for more fun!
~ Sadie <3

Follow us on Instagram ~

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